Zufelt, Edith Arelisle
1863 - 1935

Born: 1863 in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin
Died: 1935
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Professional Facts

Practice Area:
Real Property
Regions and States of Practice:
WI, Midwest
Legal Education:
Columbia Law School
Other Education:
Spencerian Business College in Milwaukee
Positions During Her Career:
Shorthand writer at the law offices of William H. Seaman
Private secretary to Governor Francis McGovern (1911-1915)
Historian for Daughters of the American Revolution
Female member of the Sheboygan County Bar
Shorthand writer in Sheboygan

Further Research Materials

Pioneers in the Law: The First 150 Women. State Bar of Wisconsin (1998), Describes the hardships and recognizes the efforts of the first 150 women lawyers admitted to the State Bar of Wisconsin, 1879-1943.
