Gilday, Jane DeVoy
1907 - 1983

Alias: Jane DeVoy
Born: 1907 in Milwaukee , Wisconsin
Died: 11/8/1983
Professional Facts
Legal Education:
Marquette University Law School
Other Education:
University of Chicago (between 1941 and 1944)
Positions During Her Career:
Worked in her husband's law office (1930-1939)Was working with First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt as the Director of Field Operations for the National Catholic Community Services/USO in Washington, D.C., an organization focused on helping the spouses of U.S. service personnel (1944)
Worked for the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago (1945-1956)
Headed the family department of the Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee (1956-1972)
Further Research Materials
Pioneers in the Law: The First 150 Women. State Bar of Wisconsin (1998), Describes the hardships and recognizes the efforts of the first 150 women lawyers admitted to the State Bar of Wisconsin, 1879-1943.