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Historiographical Articles
Periodicals: Law Journals, State Bar Publications, and Miscellaneous
Women Practitioners, General Interest
Other Materials

Historiographical Articles


The Law Student’s Helper

Woman Lawyers’ Journal

  • Women Law Professors
    (Regarding California’s First Law Professors, Barbara N. Grimes and Rosamund Parma)
    Women Lawyers’ Journal, vol. 18(1), Jan. 1930
  • The Woman Juror
    (Article addresses the issue of whether women should be allowed to be jurors)
    by Burnita Shelton Matthews
    Women Lawyer’s Journal, April 1927, Vol. XV, No. 2
  • Women in the Legal Profession
    Women Lawyers’ Journal, vol. 5(3), Dec. 1915
  • News Items” (1912 news regarding 1. Miss Mary Margaret Bartelme and the Juvenile Court, 2. Pleas for Woman Judge in New York, 3. UCLA Law School has large number of woman students, 4. Meeting of the Alumnae Association of the Woman’s Law Class of New York University, 5. Appearance of Mrs. Ellen Spencer Mussey before the U.S. Supreme Court, 6. Refusal of Admission of Mrs. Georgie McIntire-Weaver before to the Georgia Bar, 7. Awarding of Medal for Excellency in Scholarship to Miss Litta Belle Hibbens of Southern California University Law School, 8. Clara Shortridge Foltz is now a subscriber to the Woman Lawyer’s Journal, 9. Speakers’ Day at the Portia Club, 10. Emma L. Fall appointed to the faculty of the Portia Law School of Boston, and 11. Miss M. W. Cottle to continue her legal studies at Washington College of Law) Women Lawyers’ Journal, 1912, Exact Cite Unknown

Law Alumni Periodicals

Other Newpapers and Periodicals

Law Journals

State Bar Celebrations


Women Practitioners, General Interest

Other Materials

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