Howarth-Hewitt, Mary Stewart
1886 -

Alias: Mary Stewart
Born: 1886 in Deland, Florida
Professional Facts

Legal Education:
Stetson University College of Law, 1912
Other Education:
University of Michigan
Positions During Her Career:
Private practitioner in DeLand, Florida (1908-1914)
President of Robert Howarth Sons in Chester, Pennsylvania (1949-?)
Woman to graduate from a Florida law school (1908)

Further Research Materials

50 Years of Pioneers: Early Women in the Law
"50 Years of Pioneers: Early Women in the Law." Tennessee Bar Association. Retrieved 2001, available at
Celebrating Florida's first 150 women lawyers
Wendy Loquasto, Celebrating Florida's First 150 Women Lawyers, The Florida Bar News, May 15, 2000, available at:>
Laura Miller Derry, Digest of Women Lawyers and Judges. Lousville, Kentucky: Dunne Press (1949)