Kaufman, Mary Metlay
1912 - 1995

Alias: Mary Metlay
Born: 11/9/1912 in Atlanta, Georgia
Died: 9/7/1995
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Professional Facts

Practice Area:
Military Law Nationa
Regions and States of Practice:
NY, Northeast
DC, South
Legal Education:
St. John's University School of Law, 1937
Other Education:
B.A., Brooklyn College (1933)
Positions During Her Career:
Labor attorney in New York City for Frank Scheiner (late 1930s)
Worked for the National War Labor Board and Enforcement Appeals Program of National Wage Stabilization board (1945)
Served on the prosecution team of the U.S. Military War Crimes Tribunal in Nuremburg, Germany (1947)
Director of the National Lawyers Guild's Mass Defense Office in New York City (1968-1971)
Taught legal studies at Antioch College (1972-1976)
Taught at Hampshire College (1975-1976)
Director of the National Lawyers Guild's Mass Defense Office in New York City (1968)

Further Research Materials

Mary Metlay Kaufman Papers
Mary Metlay Kaufman Papers, The Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, available at: http://www.smith.edu/library/libs/ssc/agents/kaufman.html
IG Farben to Be Dissolved
IG Farben to Be Dissolved, BBC News Online, Sept. 17, 2001, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/1549092.stm
O. Leo Reed, The State Is Strong, but I Am Weak: Why the “Imminent Lawless Action” Standard Should Not Apply to Targeted Speech that Threatens Individuals with Violence, 38 American Business Law Journal 177 (2000)
Steinberg, Peter L., The Great "Red Menace": United States Prosecution of American Communists, 1947-1952. Westport, Connecticut : Greenwood Press (1984)
Richard Layman, Shadow Man: The Life of Dashiel Hammett. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (1981)
Belknap, Michal R. Cold war political justice : the Smith Act, the Communist Party, and American civil liberties. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press (1977)
Marlise James, The People's Lawyers. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston (1973)
Ann Fagan Ginger (Ed), War Crimes and Cold War Conspiracies, in The Relevant Lawyers: Conversations out of Court on their Clients, their Practice, their Politics, their Lifestyle (184-215). New York: Simon & Schuster (1972)
Telford Taylor, Nuremberg and Vietnam: An American Tragedy. Chicago: Quadrangle Books (1970)
Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives -- New York University, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, The Alderson Story: My Life as a Political Prisoner. New York: International Publishers (1963)
Harold R. Medina, The Anatomy of Freedom. New York: Holt (1959)
United States v. Sentner
United States v. Sentner, 253 F.2d 310 (April 4, 1958), available at: http://openjurist.org/253/f2d/310/sentner-v-united-states
Bary v. United States, 248 F.2d 209 (10th Cir. 1957)
Yates v. United States
Yates v. United States, 354 U.S. 298 (1957), available at: http://supreme.justia.com/us/354/298/
United States v. Stein, 140 F. Supp. 761 (April 9, 1956)
Abner Berry, FBI Reports Bare Frameup, The Daily Worker, May 15, 1955, at 6.
Harvey Matusow, False Witness, New York: Cameron & Kahn (1955)
Adam Lapin, Jury Urged to Ignore Fear in Denver Case, Daily Worker, May 25, 1955, at 1.
Hawthorne Daniel, Judge Medina, a Biography, New York: W. Funk (1952).
Judge Lets 4 Reds Travel and Speak, N.Y. Times, Mar. 22, 1952, at 5
Budenz Names 9 at 16 Reds' Trial, N.Y. Times, Apr. 30, 1952, at 10.
Red Trial Witness Cites "Violent Ice," New York Times, July 24, 1952, at 3
Harold Faber, Communist Trial-Debate on Marxism-Leninism, N.Y. Times, May 25, 1952, at E6
Socialism Called Aim, Lawyer Says Reds Sought Only to "Smash Capitalist Economy," New York Times, September 23, 1952, at 14
16 Reds Challenge Choosing of Juries, N.Y. Times, Apr. 1, 1952, at 3.
Sacher v. United States
Sacher v. United States, 343 U.S. 1 (1952), available at: http://supreme.justia.com/us/343/1/case.html
Russell Porter, Judge Seizes Bail of 4 Fugitive Reds; Its Donors Sought, N.Y. Times July 4, 1951, at 1
Russell Porter, Field, Bail Trustee for Missing Reds, Is Ordered Jailed, N.Y. Times, July 6, 1951, at 7.
Charles Grutzner, Court Offers '2d Team' Reds 10 Lawyers, N.Y. Times, Aug. 9, 1951, at 1.
Russell Porter, Jury Holds Fate of 11 Reds; Judge in his Charge Warns Communism Is Not on Trial, N.Y. Times, Oct. 14, 1949, at 1.
Russell Porter, 11 Communists Convicted of Plot; Medina to Sentence Them Friday; 6 of Counsel Jailed in Contempt, N.Y. Times, Oct. 15, 1949, at 3.
Russell Porter, Judge Warns Jury Not to Be Misled by Tactics of Reds, N.Y. Times, March 23, 1949, at 1
Evolution or Revolution
Evolution or Revolution, Time, Apr. 4, 1949, available at: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,799977-2,00.html
Russell Porter, U.S. Rests Case in Red Trial; Judge Limits Dismiss Moves, New York Times, May 20, 1949, at 1
Russell Porter, Fifth Red on Trial Jailed by Medina, N.Y. Times, Sept. 13, 1949, at 22.
Russell Porter, Medina Walks Out in Red Trial Clash, N.Y. Times, Apr. 26, 1949, at 1.
Frank Sullivan, These Are the Trials that Try Men's Souls, The New Yorker, July 2, 1949, at 20-22
The Text of Judge Medina's Finding, New York Times, October 15, 1949, at 3
Guilty as Charged, N.Y. Times, Oct. 15, 1949, at 14.
Medina Recalls Trial's Bad Day, N.Y. Times, Oct. 15, 1949, at 2
Alien Registration Act, 1940 (Smith Act of 1940) (June 28, 1940, ch. 439, 54 Stat. 670)

United States v. Jackson
United States v. Jackson, 257 F.2d 830 (2d Cir. 1958), available at: http://openjurist.org/257/f2d/41
United States v. Flynn
United States v. Flynn, 216 F.2d 354 (1954), see also 131 F. Supp. 742 (S.D. N.Y. May 26, 1955), 130 F. Supp. 412 (S.D. N.Y. Apr. 22, 1953), 106 F. Supp. 966 (S.D. N.Y. July 25, 1952), available at: http://bulk.resource.org/courts.gov/c/F2/216/216.F2d.354.150.22763.html
Dennis v. United States
Dennis v. United States, 341 U.S. 494 (1951), available at: http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=341&invol=494
United States v. Sacher
United States v. Sacher, 182 F.2d 416 (1950), available at: http://openjurist.org/182/f2d/416


Student Papers:
Mary Metlay Kaufman
Noll, Bethany Davis, 2005
Potential Paper Topics:
Prosecution of the I.G. Farben group at Nuremberg
Her work defending those accused of communism under the Smith Act
United States v. Eugene Dennis (covered by a paper)
Her defense of the Trustees Bail Fund (covered by a paper)
U.S. v. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (already covered)
Her defense of students who were arrested after protesting at Columbia University
Her defense work while at the National Lawyers Guild' s Mass Defense Office
Her work on the illegality of nuclear weapons
United States v. Albertini (defense of Vietnam war protestors)
Her work protesting the Vietnam war