Lockwood, Belva Ann Bennett
1830 - 1917

The Green Bag, Vol. 2(1890)
AliasES: Belva A. McNall, Belva Bennett
Born: 10/24/1830 in Royalton, New York
Died: 5/19/1917
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Professional Facts
Legal Education:
The George Washington University Law School, 1873
Other Education:
BS, Genessee College (Syracuse University) (1857)
LL.D., Syracuse University (1909)
Positions During Her Career:
Was the Universal Peace Union's delegate to the International Peache Congress (1889)American secretary of the International Bureau for Peace (1891)
Delegate of the International Congress of Charities, Correction, and Philanthropy at Geneva (1896)
Woman to be admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court (1879)Woman to argue before the U.S. Supreme Court (1880)
Further Research Materials
Barbara Babcock, Alma Mater: Clara Foltz and Hastings College of the Law, 21 Hastings Women's Law Journal 99 (2010)
The Cy Pres Club: A Pioneer Women's Organization at National University Law School
Kasia Solon, The Cy Pres Club: A Pioneer Women's Organization at National University Law School, 5 (2) A Legal Miscellanea (Autumn 2008), available at: http://www.law.gwu.edu/Library/Friends/Documents/Legal_Miscellanea/FriendsNwsltr_Fa08.pdf
Kasia Solon, The Cy Pres Club: A Pioneer Women's Organization at National University Law School, 5 (2) A Legal Miscellanea (Autumn 2008), available at: http://www.law.gwu.edu/Library/Friends/Documents/Legal_Miscellanea/FriendsNwsltr_Fa08.pdf
Before It Was Merely Difficult: Belva Lockwood's Life in Law and Politics
Jill Norgren, Before It Was Merely Difficult: Belva Lockwood's Life in Law and Politics, 23 Journal of Supreme Court History 1 (1999)
Jill Norgren, Before It Was Merely Difficult: Belva Lockwood's Life in Law and Politics, 23 Journal of Supreme Court History 1 (1999)
Catherine Aman, Centuries of Change, Women in the Law, The American Lawyer, March 1999, pp.57-60
15 Years of Advocacy for Women
Lisa Small, 15 Years of Advocacy for Women: Women and the Law Time Line, 1619-1998. Women's Law and Public Policy Fellowship Program on its 15th Anniversary, 1998.
Lisa Small, 15 Years of Advocacy for Women: Women and the Law Time Line, 1619-1998. Women's Law and Public Policy Fellowship Program on its 15th Anniversary, 1998.
All the Allies of Each: Lelia Robinson's Portrait of Early Women Lawyers in America
Julia Steele, All the Allies of Each: Lelia Robinson's Portrait of Early Women Lawyers in America, 1998
Julia Steele, All the Allies of Each: Lelia Robinson's Portrait of Early Women Lawyers in America, 1998
Belva A. Lockwood Collection, 1899-1988
Belva A. Lockwood Collection, 1899-1988, SC21041. New York State Library/Manuscripts and Special Collections, 1997, available at: http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/msscfa/sc21041.htm
Belva A. Lockwood Collection, 1899-1988, SC21041. New York State Library/Manuscripts and Special Collections, 1997, available at: http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/msscfa/sc21041.htm
Dawn Bradley Berry, The 50 Most Influential Women in American Law. Los Angeles: Contemporary Books (1996).
Virginia G. Drachman, Women Lawyers and the Origins of Professional Identity in America: the Letters of the Equity Club, 1887-1890. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (1993)
Women in the Services: The Professions. In W. Elliott Brownlee & Mary M. Brownlee, Women in the American Economy: A Documentary History, 1675 to 1929,
(296-307). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press (1976)
Fox, Mary Virginia, Lady for the Defense: A Biography Of Belva Lockwood. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975.
Edward T. James (Ed.), Janet Wilson James (Assoc. Ed.), and Paul S. Boyer (Ass. Ed.), Notable American Women, 1607-1950; A Biographical Dictionary.
Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press (1971).
Louise R. Noun, Strong-Minded Women: The Emergence of the Woman-Suffrage Movement in Iowa. Aimes, Iowa, Iowa State University Press (1969)
Angels and Amazons: A Hundred Years Of American Women
Inez Haynes Irwin Gillmore, Angels And Amazons: A Hundred Years Of American Women. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran & Company (1933).
Inez Haynes Irwin Gillmore, Angels And Amazons: A Hundred Years Of American Women. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran & Company (1933).
Belva Lockwood, Lawyer, Dies at 85, New York Times, May 20, 1917, at 23.
Stella Reid Crothers, American Women Lawyers, The Home Magazine, September 1907, pp.15
Occupations for Women
Frances Willard, Helen Maria Winslow, Sallie Elizabeth Joy White, Occupations for Women, "Women at the Bar." Success Co.: 1897. Available at: http://books.google.com/books?id=XkwbAAAAYAAJ&lpg=PA402&ots=Ye723_xDi6&dq=Frances%20Willard%2C%20Occupations%20for%20Women%20%281897%29&pg=PA371#v=onepage&q&f=false
Frances Willard, Helen Maria Winslow, Sallie Elizabeth Joy White, Occupations for Women, "Women at the Bar." Success Co.: 1897. Available at: http://books.google.com/books?id=XkwbAAAAYAAJ&lpg=PA402&ots=Ye723_xDi6&dq=Frances%20Willard%2C%20Occupations%20for%20Women%20%281897%29&pg=PA371#v=onepage&q&f=false
Women at the Bar, Vol. 1 No. 8
Women at the Bar, 1 (8) The Law Student's Helper 202 (August 1893)
Women at the Bar, 1 (8) The Law Student's Helper 202 (August 1893)
Women at the Bar, Vol. 1 No. 9
Women at the Bar, 1 (9) The Law Student's Helper 239 (September 1893)
Women at the Bar, 1 (9) The Law Student's Helper 239 (September 1893)
Women at the Bar, Vol. 1 No. 10
Women at the Bar, 1 (10) The Law Student's Helper 303 (October 1893)
Women at the Bar, 1 (10) The Law Student's Helper 303 (October 1893)
Can Women Practice Law?
Can Women Practice Law? 1 (5) The Law Student's Helper 102 (May 1893)
Can Women Practice Law? 1 (5) The Law Student's Helper 102 (May 1893)
Women at the Bar, Vol. 1 No. 12
Women at the Bar, 1 (12) The Law Student's Helper 339 (December, 1893)
Women at the Bar, 1 (12) The Law Student's Helper 339 (December, 1893)
A Woman of the Century: Fourteen Hundred-Seventy Biographical Sketches Accompanied by Portraits of Leading American Women in All Walks of Life
Frances E. Willard and Mary A. Livermore (Editors), A Woman of the Century: Fourteen Hundred-Seventy Biographical Sketches Accompanied by Portraits of Leading American Women in All Walks of Life, pp. 210-211. New York: Charles Wells Moulton (1893), available at: http://books.google.com/books?id=zXEEAAAAYAAJ
Frances E. Willard and Mary A. Livermore (Editors), A Woman of the Century: Fourteen Hundred-Seventy Biographical Sketches Accompanied by Portraits of Leading American Women in All Walks of Life, pp. 210-211. New York: Charles Wells Moulton (1893), available at: http://books.google.com/books?id=zXEEAAAAYAAJ
Women at the Bar, Vol. 1 No. 6
Women at the Bar 1 (6) The Law Student's Helper 138 (June 1893)
Women at the Bar 1 (6) The Law Student's Helper 138 (June 1893)
Belva Lockwood, The Congress of Law Reform, 3 American Journal of Politics 321, 1893.
My Efforts to Become a Lawyer
Belva A. Lockwood, My Efforts to Become a Lawyer, Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, February 1888 at 215
Belva A. Lockwood, My Efforts to Become a Lawyer, Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, February 1888 at 215
Kaiser Et Ux. vs. Stickney Et Al.
Women Lawyers (1876)
Women Lawyers, The Woman's Journal (April 22, 1876)
Women Lawyers, The Woman's Journal (April 22, 1876)
Student Papers:
Types of Practices and Cases Pursued by Women Lawyers
Erickson, Mary, 1988
Erickson, Mary, 1988
Belva Ann Lockwood
Seshadri, Aravinda, 2005
Seshadri, Aravinda, 2005
Belva Ann Lockwood: For Peace, Justice, and President
Cook, Frances A., 1997
Cook, Frances A., 1997
Belva Lockwood and the Mormon Question
Evans, Melinda, 1999
Evans, Melinda, 1999