Lowe, Mary Johnson
1924 - 1999
Born: 6/10/1924 in New York, New Mexico
Died: 2/27/1999
Ethnicity: African American/Black
Professional Facts
Regions and States of Practice:
NY, NortheastDC, South
Legal Education:
Brooklyn Law School, 1954Columbia Law School, 1955
Other Education:
B.A., Hunter College of the City University of New York (1951)
Positions During Her Career:
Private practice in New York City (1955-1971)Judge of the Criminal Court in New York City (1971-1973)
Acting Supreme Court Justice on the New York County Supreme Court (1973-1974)
Judge for the Bronx County Supreme Court (1975-1976)
Justice on the Supreme Court of New York (1977-1978)
U.S. Senator (1978-1999)
Further Research Materials
Mary Johnson Lowe
Mary Johnson Lowe, History of the Federal Judiciary, available from: http://www.fjc.gov/servlet/nGetInfo?jid=1427&cid=999&ctype=na&instate=na (August 21, 2010)
Mary Johnson Lowe, History of the Federal Judiciary, available from: http://www.fjc.gov/servlet/nGetInfo?jid=1427&cid=999&ctype=na&instate=na (August 21, 2010)