Shulman, Sadie Lipner

Alias: Sadie Lipner
Born: in New York, New York
Professional Facts
Practice Area:
Family Law
Regions and States of Practice:
MA, Northeast
Legal Education:
Boston University School of Law, 1911
Positions During Her Career:
Chief Counsel for Boston Civic Service House (1913-)Assistant Corporation Counsel for the city of Boston (1926-)
Judge of the Municipal Court of the Dorchester District of Boston (1930-)
Woman to be appointed by the Chief Justice as an investigator of a divorce case (1924)Woman to be appointed Assistant Corporation Counsel for the city of Boston (1926)
Woman judge in New England (1930)
Further Research Materials
Laura Miller Derry, Digest of Women Lawyers and Judges. Lousville, Kentucky: Dunne Press (1949)
Judge Emma Fall Scholfield, Pioneers of the Law, 13 (5) National Business Woman 141 (1934)
Massachusetts Asks Jury Service, 17 (3) Equal Rights
Two "First" Judges, 16 (1) The Woman's Journal (January, 1931)