Stoneman, Kate
1841 - 1925
Born: 4/1841 in Busti, New York
Died: 5/19/1925
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Professional Facts
Regions and States of Practice:
NY, Northeast
Legal Education:
Albany Law School, 1898
Other Education:
New York State Normal School
Positions During Her Career:
Clerkship with Albany attorney Worthington W. Frothingham (1882)Prominent leader in the woman suffrage movement
Woman lawyer in New York (1886)Woman to graduate from Albany Law School (1898) Woman of any department in Union University to receive a bachelor's degree (1898)
Formed the Woman's Suffrage Society of AlbanyLobbied the state legislature of New York to pass a bill allowing women in small towns to participate in school elections
May 22 is Kate Stoneman Day
Kate Stoneman Visiting Professorship created at Albany Law School (2000)
Further Research Materials
Kate Stoneman
Kate Stoneman by Christine Sebourn (2005)
Kate Stoneman by Christine Sebourn (2005)
Making History: Lelia Robinson's Index to American Women Lawyers
Barbara Allen Babcock, Making History: Lelia Robinson's Index to American Women Lawyers. Stanford Law School (July 1998)
Barbara Allen Babcock, Making History: Lelia Robinson's Index to American Women Lawyers. Stanford Law School (July 1998)
All the Allies of Each: Lelia Robinson's Portrait of Early Women Lawyers in America
Julia Steele, All the Allies of Each: Lelia Robinson's Portrait of Early Women Lawyers in America, 1998
Julia Steele, All the Allies of Each: Lelia Robinson's Portrait of Early Women Lawyers in America, 1998
Angels and Amazons: A Hundred Years Of American Women
Inez Haynes Irwin Gillmore, Angels And Amazons: A Hundred Years Of American Women. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran & Company (1933).
Inez Haynes Irwin Gillmore, Angels And Amazons: A Hundred Years Of American Women. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran & Company (1933).
Women Lawyers in the United States
Lelia J. Robinson, Women Lawyers in the United States, 2 The Green Bag 10 (1890)
Lelia J. Robinson, Women Lawyers in the United States, 2 The Green Bag 10 (1890)
Admission of Women to the Bar
Catharine V. Waite, Admission of Women to the Bar, 1 Chicago Law Times (1887)
Catharine V. Waite, Admission of Women to the Bar, 1 Chicago Law Times (1887)
The First Female Lawyer. Miss Kate Stoneman Admitted to Practice in the Courts by the General Term - The Legislature and Governor Act in Her Behalf
Albany Journal, May 20, 1886, pg 4