Sumner, Terrie Meahl
1849 - 1910
Alias: Terrie Meahl
Born: 1849 in Genessee, Wisconsin
Died: 1910
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Professional Facts
Practice Area:
InsuranceReal Property
Regions and States of Practice:
WI, Midwest
Positions During Her Career:
Attorney in her husband's office (1877-1903)Assisted her nephew, Charles Nelson, in his insurance and real estate business in Waukesha (1903-)
Woman member of the Wisconsin Bar Association (1881)
Further Research Materials
Pioneers in the Law: The First 150 Women. State Bar of Wisconsin (1998), Describes the hardships and recognizes the efforts of the first 150 women lawyers admitted to the State Bar of Wisconsin, 1879-1943.
Can Women Practice Law?
Can Women Practice Law? 1 (5) The Law Student's Helper 102 (May 1893)
Can Women Practice Law? 1 (5) The Law Student's Helper 102 (May 1893)
Parker McCobb Reed, Women Lawyers. In The Bench and Bar of Wisconsin: History and Biography, with Portrait Illustrations (531-532). Milwaukee: Reed (1882)