Fullerton, Frances Evans
1900 -

Alias: Frances Evans
Born: 10/28/1900 in Stockport, Ohio
Professional Facts
Regions and States of Practice:
OK, SouthCA, West
Legal Education:
Oklahoma City University School of Law
Other Education:
Kansas UniversityPhillips University
Positions During Her Career:
Attorney with the Bolene Refining Co. in Enid (1923-1926)Attorney with Stevens, Page & Sterling in Los Angeles (1927)
Attorney with McLaury & Hopps, McLaury, Smith & Buckles, and Smith & Buckles (1928-1939)
Attorney with Reynolds & Ridings in Oklahoma City (1940-)
Further Research Materials
Laura Miller Derry, Digest of Women Lawyers and Judges. Lousville, Kentucky: Dunne Press (1949)