Curry, Altha Perry
1894 - 1975
Alias: Altha Perry
Born: 4/25/1894 in Needles, California
Died: 12/1975
Professional Facts
Practice Area:
CorporationsFamily Law
Regions and States of Practice:
WA, West
Legal Education:
Stanford University Law School, 1917
Other Education:
A.B., Stanford University (1915)
Positions During Her Career:
Practiced at Skeel, McKelvey, Henke, Evenson, and Uhlmann in Seattle for many years, but was never made a partner
Woman to graduate from Stanford Unitversity Law School
Further Research Materials
Laura Miller Derry, Digest of Women Lawyers and Judges. Lousville, Kentucky: Dunne Press (1949)
Student Papers:
Altha Perry Curry
Tovar, Amy, 2003
Tovar, Amy, 2003