Greenacre, Alice
1887 -
Born: 10/25/1887 in Chicago, Illinois
Professional Facts
Regions and States of Practice:
IL, Midwest
Legal Education:
University of Chicago Law School, 1911
Other Education:
B.A., University of Chicago (1908)
Positions During Her Career:
Private practitioner in Chicago (1911-)
Further Research Materials
Laura Miller Derry, Digest of Women Lawyers and Judges. Lousville, Kentucky: Dunne Press (1949)
Women in the Legal Profession
Marion Weston Cottle, Women in the Legal Profession, 5 (3) The Women Lawyers Journal 20 (December 1915)
Marion Weston Cottle, Women in the Legal Profession, 5 (3) The Women Lawyers Journal 20 (December 1915)
Alice Greenacre and Sophonisba P. Breckinridge (Editor), A Handbook for the Women Voters of Illinois. Chicago: Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy (1913)