Lewis, Rhoda Valentine
1906 - 1991

Born: 8/31/1906 in Chicago, Illinois
Died: 9/12/1991
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Professional Facts
Regions and States of Practice:
NY, NortheastHI, West
Legal Education:
Stanford University Law School, 1929
Other Education:
Stanford University (1927)
Positions During Her Career:
Secretary of the Committee of Bar Examiners in California (1929-1933)Worked for the law firm Falk, Phillips, Twelvetras, and Falk in New York (1933-1936)
Wrote briefs for the public prosecutor's office in Hawaii (1937)
Deputy or assistant attorney general (1937-1950)
Appointed to revise the laws of Hawaii (1944)
Advisor to delegates who drafted the Hawaii constitution (1950)
Worked on tax matters for the tax commissioner (1957-1959)
Serves on the Hawaii Supreme Court (1959-1967)
Elected to the Hawaii State Constitutional Convention and was a member of the Legislative Apportionment, Local Government, Revisions Amendment and Other Provisions, and Style committees (1968)
Reporter for the Committee on Coordination of Rules and Statutes (1971-1972)
Woman appointed to the Hawaii Supreme Court (1959)
Further Research Materials
The Venturesome Women of Stanford Law, 1920-1945
Leelane Ellis Hines, The Venturesome Woman of Stanford Law, 1920-1945, 21 (1) Stanford Lawyer 4 (Fall 1986)
Leelane Ellis Hines, The Venturesome Woman of Stanford Law, 1920-1945, 21 (1) Stanford Lawyer 4 (Fall 1986)
Student Papers:
Rhoda V. Lewis Biographical Essay
Pietsch, Molly I., 2006
Pietsch, Molly I., 2006