Martin, Clara Brett
1874 - 1923

Alias: Clara Brett
Born: 1874
Died: 10/30/1923
Professional Facts
Practice Area:
Family LawWill & Estates
WillsReal estate
Family law
Legal Education:
University of Toronto, 1899
Other Education:
Trinity College (1890)Trinity College (1897)
Positions During Her Career:
Begins her legal education at the firm of Mulock, Miller, Crowther, and Montgomery (1893-1895)Completes her articling term (law clerkship) at Blake, Lash & Cassels (1895-1896)
Barrister at the law firm of Shilton & Walbridge (later renamed Shilton, Walbridge & Martin) (1897-1906)
Represents Ward II as a trustee with the Toronto Board of Education (1901-1911)
Opens her own private practice in Toronto (1906-1923)
Woman admitted to practice of law in Canada and the entire British Empire (1897)
Further Research Materials
Women Attorneys-At-Law
F.M.A., Women Attorneys-At-Law, The Woman's Journal, November 13, 1897.
F.M.A., Women Attorneys-At-Law, The Woman's Journal, November 13, 1897.
Student Papers:
Clara Brett Martin-Canada's First Woman Lawyer
Gall, Caitlin, 2005
Gall, Caitlin, 2005