McGuire, Grace Johnson Murphy
1919 - 1996
AliasES: Grace Johnson, Grace Murphy
Born: 1/8/1919 in Hardwick, Vermont
Died: 5/1996
Professional Facts
Regions and States of Practice:
VT, Northeast
Legal Education:
New England School of Law, 1940
Other Education:
Trinity College
Positions During Her Career:
Worked on the legal staff at National Life Insurance Company (1940-1965)Montpelier municipal judge (1965-1967)
Practiced law in Montpelier (1967-1975)
Woman trial judge in the state of Vermont (1965)
Further Research Materials
Vermont Women's History Project
Vermont Women's History Project, Vermont Historical Society, available at:
Vermont Women's History Project, Vermont Historical Society, available at:
Celebrating Vermont's First 100 Women Lawyers: 1902 - 1978
Kate Hayes (Esq.), Celebrating Vermont's First 100 Women Lawyers: 1902 - 1978 (September 8, 2000).
Kate Hayes (Esq.), Celebrating Vermont's First 100 Women Lawyers: 1902 - 1978 (September 8, 2000).