Remmlein, Madaline Kinter
1901 -
Alias: Madaline Kinter
Born: 12/21/1901 in Apollo, Pennsylvania
Professional Facts
Regions and States of Practice:
DC, South
Legal Education:
The George Washington University Law School, 1944
Other Education:
Ph.B., University of Chicago (1929)M.A., Columbia University (1932)
Ph.D., University of Paris (Sorbonne) (1933)
Positions During Her Career:
On the staff of the Pennsylvania State Department of Public Instruction in HarrisburgAssistant Director of Research for the National Education Association (1936-)
Lecturer at George Washington University Law School (1942-)
Further Research Materials
Laura Miller Derry, Digest of Women Lawyers and Judges. Lousville, Kentucky: Dunne Press (1949)