Lockwood, Lorna Elizabeth
1903 - 1977

Born: 3/24/1903 in Douglas, Arizona
Died: 1977
Professional Facts
Regions and States of Practice:
AZ, West
Legal Education:
The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, 1925
Other Education:
B.A., University of Arizona (1923)
Positions During Her Career:
Legal stenographer (1925-1939)Established a private practice with Loretta Savage, Lockwood & Savage (1939-1942)
Legislator in the Arizona House of Representatives (1939-1940, 1941-1942, 1947-1948)
Secretary to Representative John Murdock (1942-1943)
District Price Attorney for the Office of Price Administration (1943-1945)
Joined Cox, Lockwood & Lockwood (1944-1947)
Served in the State Legislature again and was Chair of the House Judiciary Committee (1947-1949)
Assistant attorney general (1948-1951)
Judge of the Arizona Superior Court (1951-1960)
Judge on Arizona Supreme Court (1961-1975)
Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court (1965-1966, 1970-1971)
Woman to receive a J.D. degree from the University of Arizona College of Law (1925)Woman in Arizona appointed Assistant Attorney General (1948)
Woman to sit on the bench of the Arizona Superior Court (1951)
Woman to become Chief Justice of a State Supreme Court (1965)
Further Research Materials
A Century of Achievement: The Centennial of the National Association of Women Lawyers
Selma Moidel Smith: A Century of Achievement: The Centennial of the National Association of Women Lawyers, 85 Women Lawyers Journal 2 (Summer 1999) *Originally printed as two articles: "...The First 50 Years," 9 Experience 1 (Fall 1998), and "...The Second 50 Years," 9 Experience 2 (Winter 1999)
Selma Moidel Smith: A Century of Achievement: The Centennial of the National Association of Women Lawyers, 85 Women Lawyers Journal 2 (Summer 1999) *Originally printed as two articles: "...The First 50 Years," 9 Experience 1 (Fall 1998), and "...The Second 50 Years," 9 Experience 2 (Winter 1999)
Catherine Aman, Centuries of Change, Women in the Law, The American Lawyer, March 1999, pp.57-60
N.O. Stockmeyer Jr., Hail to the Chiefs: A Tribute to America's Women Chief Justices, Benchmark: Thomas M. Cooley Law School Magazine, Vol. XVII No. 1, Hilary Term 1995, pp.6-7
Laura Miller Derry, Digest of Women Lawyers and Judges. Lousville, Kentucky: Dunne Press (1949)
Student Papers:
Lorna Elizabeth Lockwood: In Pursuit of the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court Nomination
Echeveste, Colleen, 2003
Echeveste, Colleen, 2003
Lorna Lockwood: Lawyer, Legislator, Leader
Solano, Angele C., 2001
Solano, Angele C., 2001